Logos And How To Use Them To Grow Your Business
Your logo is the visual essence of your brand, and whether you opt for a word graphic of your business name, a pictorial icon, or both, it's a vital part of your company's image and the visual identity of your brand.
Do you need one?
YES. Every business needs an unforgettable image that encompasses the unique spirit of your company. A powerful image will keep your company front and center the next time consumers need your product or service.
However having the right logo and hiding its light under a bushel basket will not help you. Having the right logo and putting it in the right place helps to ensure the success of your brand.
5 things to consider when creating a logo:
1. Location, Location, Location. Will it be online, offline, or both? Intricate logos and lengthy words don't work well in small spaces or at lower resolutions. Remember to scale logos up and down before choosing one.
2. Logos generally take one of three forms: word graphics, icon image, or both. A word graphic is the name of the business as a logo, whereas an icon image is a graphic. Consider whether the spirit of your business can best be represented by a word graphic, a striking image, or both. Flexibility and a degree of increased exposure is given when you have both.
3. What is the feel of your brand? The kind of logo you choose needs to reflect your spirit. Is your brand traditional or trendy, established or a start up, regional or global? Remember to consider the harmony of the colors, style, and feel of the logo. Creativity is great but remember to maintain functionality. Will your color logo still pop if it is copied in black-and-white?
4. Type matters; if your logo incorporates text, the typeface is as important as the color. Consider the personality of typefaces – traditional and solid, ornate and feminine, bold and technological – the variations are almost infinite. Just keep in mind that legibility is critical no matter the resolution.
5. Test of Time, Your logo needs longevity. Since its purpose is to become embedded in the minds of your customers, it must stay steady. It may be upgraded or enhanced but it must be consistent. Flash-forward 10 years: will it still suit your business? If not, think again.
A logo can be a great tool to help your business grow and be remembered by your client base. Does your logo do that? If not, we can help.